Tuesday, September 10, 2024

But Moses said, “Pardon your servant, Lord. Please send someone else.”  Exodus 4:13 (Chapter 4)

If you ever wonder how long suffering God is, read chapter four of Exodus. Moses, literate Hebrew, educated Egyptian, and practiced outdoorsman and survivor, tries to convince God He’s got the wrong guy!

God gave Moses three miracles to take when he goes back to Egypt, a staff that turns into a snake, a diseased hand that heals, and water that will turn into blood. Moses also has an older brother, Aaron, an eloquent speaker, God has already sent to join him, a father-in-law/priest that gave his blessing and a wife that interceded between him and an angry God. All this and more!  God’s very clear direction and promise of success has been stated! Still, Moses pushed God almost to the point of no return. 

Moses’ life story does not tell of a lazy, unmotivated or rebellious man. Fear and shame are what stand between him and God’s plan. Moses sees himself as neither Israelite or Egyptian, an outcast, shamed by the impulsive sins of his youth. But God is not intimidated by the past and promises to be part of the process at all times. Moses finally sets out on his way. Reluctant? Yes. Assured? He thinks so!

I’m just going to throw this out here, because I took a class about this once……or twice…..or more……at the School of Hard Knocks: God gives the plan and promises all the assets and resources needed to succeed. We answer affirmatively, but become discouraged and defeated when adversity strikes. Suddenly we think He left us alone while He stands in the distance watching to see if we were truly the right person for the call. 

You are not alone. The Biblical narrative is full of just such folks, but God NEVER left them and He won’t leave you either.  Failure is not on God’s blueprint for those that love and obey the Lord.



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