Thursday, September 19, 2024

Teach them the decrees and laws, and show them the way to live and the duties they are to perform. Exodus 18:20 (Chapter 18)

God Bless Moses’ father-in-law. If there is a story in the Bible that seems real today it is this. Mrs. Moses saw her husband drowning in a workload he couldn’t gain an upper hand on. She went home to dad and just happened to mention it. Wise ole’ papa came to the rescue with some very sound advice. 

When Jethro arrived at the seen of the Great Exodus, it was evident that God’s power and glory were at work and he appropriately led praise to the One True God. He also recognized this leadership role put an incredible strain on Moses. As a person of government himself, he did not bring criticism, only years of experience and a suggestion for efficiency.

Serving as everything to everyone, corporate leader to a massive population moving between homes, was daunting.  IN ADDITION, this enormous group squabbled constantly. They couldn’t live in community with each other either. So Moses found himself serving as judge and intermediary on top of everything else. This is not a reflection of Moses’ inability, it was more than any one man could do! So Jethro advises; teach them the laws and hold them accountable, then chose men of integrity to administrate and judge. Delegate and teach.

The simple truth is, God DOES NOT ask any one to do more than they are capable of. He qualifies the called and provides time, wisdom, energy and manpower to succeed. He also doesn’t ask you to do for someone, what they are perfectly capable of doing themselves. (Yes I said that, read it again!) Beyond these limits it is important to distinguish between man’s demands and God’s. One is time well spent, the other………..



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