Friday, September 27, 2024

He is to lay his hand on the head of the burnt offering, and it will be accepted on his behalf to make atonement for him. Leviticus 1:4 (Chapter 1-7)

The opposite of ‘Holy’ is ‘common’.  The characteristics of Holiness are revealed in Leviticus. God promised to dwell in the midst of the Israelites, but there are conditions to existing in close proximity to God. In Exodus, God set boundaries for His ‘set apart people.’ This close relationship means a life of obedience and faith and sin must be dealt with. God gives detailed instructions on these procedures.

The burnt offering symbolized the total dedication of the offerer.  By laying a hand on the sacrifice, the animals blood becomes ‘substitutionary’ for the worshipper. A grain offering is made for renewal and rededication to the Lord. Peace offerings were made when reconciliation occurred with the Lord and communion resumed. In Love, God provided protections from our negligence with sin/purification offerings and finally, the guilt offering allowed compensation for damages to be made between men, neighbor to neighbor. 

Some things change. The ‘new covenant’ through the blood of Jesus supersedes this Old Testament Law. Yet, God is Holy and requires Holiness from those who follow Him. This is constant throughout time. Jesus quoted from this book, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (19:18) Holiness is found in justice and love. We have all sinned, but God doesn’t leave us there.  He didn’t then, He doesn’t now.



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