Wednesday, October 16, 2024

These are the commands and regulations the LORD gave through Moses to the Israelites on the plains of Moab by the Jordan across from Jericho. Numbers 36:13 (Chapters 34-36)

Moses’ life is coming to an end. He will not enter the promised land. This privilege was lost when he threw an angry fit and undermined the Israelites recognition of God’s love and miracle of water from a rock. But, aside from Jesus, no man in history has been associated with so many manifestations of God’s Divine Power.

Moses was God’s agent to the plagues of Egypt and a nation of slaves was set free. Soon, the waters of the Red Sea parted, but there was a desert awaiting. For forty years, Israel wandered in a hostile environment and miracles became a regular part of everyday life. From bad water turning sweet to quail and manna for food, Moses’ God let no one starve or dehydrate. Moses presented the tablets of law written by God’s own hand and remained in constant communion with God, with his face radiating God’s glory. Some of the miracles Moses is associated with are punitive in nature. The ground swallowed Korah and his rebels, Miriam was infected with leprosy, then healed. There was a plague of vipers, but Moses was commanded to fashion a brass rod that healed the people of their venomous bites. Aaron’s rod budded to show God’s authority and Balaam’s donkey spoke.

Led for forty years with a cloud by day and a fire by night, Moses could not have delivered Israel out of Egypt and to the Promised Land without the help and intervention of Almighty God. He paid a human price. He grew weary and frustrated often, but eternity was more than worth the cost.



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