Thursday, December 19, 2024

I said to the LORD, “You are my LORD, apart from you I have no good thing.”  Psalm 16:2 (Psalms 7, 16, 4 and 58)

When I opened my Bible to this Psalm I found “This is my heart!” written in the margin with my own pen and I remembered why.  There was a time I lost all hope.  I reasoned that if there was no God, then neither was there an eternity, Heaven or hell. I had given up, but one last time I cried out and said, “God if You’re there, please show me!” He did. I know without doubt there is a God, an eternity and without Him I have no good thing.

Full and complete faith is not something you achieve, it is something you maintain. David rested his every breath in something much bigger than himself. Verse 10 is a mention of resurrection, a very primitive theology in David’s time, but he wrote it and lived it. These words are found again in Acts 2:27 as a prophecy from David, spoken to those who witnessed Pentecost, as testimony that Jesus is the Messiah.

Take a moment today and ask God to make Himself known. He will, because He is all that is good.

Have a Wonderful Day!


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