Thursday, July 6, 2017

If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it. Genesis 4:7

Cain, Adam and Eve’s first born son, struggled with bitterness and resentment.

In a life outside the garden, man had to work the land. Cain grew crops, Abel raised live stock. Both sons brought an offering to God, the first act of worship. One was accepted, the other wasn’t. Why? We simply do not know. Like much of life that is uncomfortable or unpleasing to man, we have to accept without understanding. What we do know is, Cain threw a carnal fit!! Hate found a place to put down roots and grew in the fertile soil of self-will.

Cain’s attitude? If I don’t get my way, then everybody pays, brother, mom, dad, presumably God, “They will be sorry I’m not happy.”

God is loving and kind. If we don’t believe this very fundamental fact, then faith wilts and sin creeps in. Do not question God’s authority, do not challenge Him. Have faith, worship and offer praise, even when you don’t understand. In this healthy soil and great things will grow.



P.S. Mom I love you!

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

I said to myself, “God will bring into judgment both the righteous and the wicked, for there will be a time for every activity, a time to judge every deed.” Ecclesiastes 3:17

King Solomon is attributed with great wisdom. The Greek translation of ecclesiastes means teacher or philosopher. In chapter three, King David’s son pens, “There is a season for everything under Heaven.” God is the author of time, both linear and nonlinear. We are bound by a clock moving forward, eternity has no bounds.

There will come a time, chosen by God, when we will each account for our life on earth, absolutely no exceptions, certainly no exemptions and NO excuses.

God sees us exactly as we are and will judge us by His standard of Holiness, not equate us according to man’s standard. Do not rank your sin or justify your behavior against someone else’s. God WILL make all things right and settle all wrongs. Justice is His, in His time.

Have a Great Wednesday!


Tuesday, July 4, 2017

“May the LORD repay you for what you have done. May you be richly rewarded by the LORD, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge.” Ruth 2:12

Ruth, the great-grandmother of King David, was faithful. A Moabite, Ruth married a Jewish refugee fleeing from famine is Israel. He died but Ruth chose to remain with her widowed mother-in-law, a choice that brought her to Bethlehem. (Ruth 1:16-17 are the familiar words of Ruth’s vow to her Naomi and her God.)

This is one of the most beautiful stories in the Old Testament narrative. Ruth and Naomi are widowed, wholly dependent on the benevolence of others. However, Levitical law allowed for gleanings of the harvest to be left for the needy and under Levirate law, a kinsman was bound to marry a widow and raise an heir so her family name would continue. Boaz was not Ruth’s closest relative so he had to publicly transact land and marriage to assure the continuation of Naomi’s family. In doing so he became Ruth’s redeemer kinsman.

In the most devastating moments of life, God offers provision. We ask, “What will I do? How will I survive?” God says, “Trust and follow me.” God’s has a plan of redemption, care and security. Jesus became our Redeemer Kinsman. We will not be abandoned to despair.

Happy 4th!


Monday, July 3, 2017

In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. John 1:4

John’s Gospel covers much the same ground as the other three Gospels but emphasizes the meaning of what took place. The keynote point of John’s Gospel is love and the divine glory of Christ. He portrays Jesus as an unquenchable light shining into the darkness.

The story of Jesus does not begin with His human birth. John refers to Jesus as “The Word” the very breath of God and when God spoke, life came into existence. Jesus, the living Word of God became man. He became life to share with us and in us.

Light is life itself. Light creates our habitat, not darkness. Light sustains our existence, not darkness. Life and light, one in the same, the essence of Jesus and the gift of Jesus. Bask in the Sonshine!



Sunday Stories, July 2, 2017

My Intolerance

My grandparents were born into what is now known as the ‘Greatest Generation.” I would agree. Looking back through history, I see their diligence, perseverance and innovation creating many of the luxuries enjoyed today. My parents are baby boomers. They are the authors of vacation. Not lazy, they just found, recognized and defined, “Quality Time.” Thank goodness! I am a “Gen X” child and I gave birth to two Millennials.

I often look back as I look forward and this week working in my classroom, preparing for the students, yet unnamed, I will guide during the 2017-18 school year, reflection and forward motion have dominated my thought process.

As an adolescent I remember older members of my social world making comments as follows. “Your generation just doesn’t…….” or “The problem with today’s youth is………” I didn’t want to let those who had gone before me down. I listened, sometimes heeded, but mostly I worked to live above the expectation they expressed for the future. It was my future too and I cared deeply!

Now, I am of age to start my generational dissertation and I’ve found an intolerance. I am intolerant of this phrase: They ruined _______ when they took away/out prayer. (You fill in the blank.)

I spent the better part of my week praying, standing on tax funded property known as a public school classroom, alone, wielding a paint brush, just me and God. No one came along and stopped me. I prayed for children that may never walk through the doors of a church (I do not know and it will never matter to my agenda.) They are covered with prayer. I prayed for their parents, my colleagues, the staff, the administration, former students, my own family…….and no one came to stop me!

Biblical history tells of Daniel and his three friends, kidnapped, taken to a foreign country, taught a new language, given new names, completely robbed of their identities in an attempt by a government to legislate loyalty and religion. The threat of death did not intimidate them, they prayed anyway, their identity, their faith, was not shaken and God was faithful.

My childhood was filled with prayer. As a family we prayed at every meal, family devotions, sitting in the car as we traveled. We stopped as a family and prayed when those in our midst were in crisis. Individually and as a family we prayed……a lot.

I look upon today’s young adults. They are amazing. The best and brightest are answering God’s call and using the world’s vast resources to achieve a higher standard of education, understanding and compassion than I’ve ever seen before and I see them praying! They pray! Alone, together, publicly and quietly. Their future is my future and they are getting it done!

If you want prayer to happen then pray. Walk your local school campus alone and pray. Drive the streets of your community and pray. Go to a sporting event and pray. If no human ears hear you, that’s okay because it’s God’s ears that matter.

Public prayer is not evangelism. Love lived out in the lives of the righteous is! Pray! It changes things, especially you!

All My Love,


Saturday, July 1, 2017

May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14

The poet David writes a beautiful tribute to Creator God, acknowledging His glory displayed throughout the universe. God’s perfection is found in His universe of orderliness and provision. David, without the benefit of science and modern research tools and data, knows the universe is orderly and continuous. In the same manner, man was created within the laws ordained by God and will live and prosper.

Psalm 19 is a song of praise, the verse above is the closing salutation. David asks God to accept his humble words that fall short of His majesty. He finishes with by stating that his heart continuously clings to God’s place in his life as his solid foundation and salvation.

God inhabits the praise of His people. If God lives in your heart, (so to speak) then let your interior design reflect it!



Friday, June 30, 2017

Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the LORD forgave you. Colossians 3:13

I will get to the forgiving part, but isn’t truly wonderful that God says to be together in times of struggle, sorrow, anxiousness, disappointment, grief……..? Bearing each other’s burdens means to live in community and irradiate loneliness. Praise the Lord!

What does a new life in Christ really look like? Colossians chapter three paints a very good word picture. We must be forgiving. It is packed in the parcel with humility, compassion, kindness, gentleness and patience, (verse 12). You can’t have one without the other.

The entire Biblical message is forgiveness: Man falls, God reaches down to save him…..repeat to infinity! If we want to be like Christ, if we want to live eternally with Christ, if we want to take others with us, WE MUST FORGIVE.

One last little thought. If there is something you think you can’t forgive, consider this: Is it worth missing Heaven? That is the price you will pay by clinging to the wrongs of others.

I love Ya’ll!


Thursday, June 29, 2017

When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” “Yes Lord,” he said, “You know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.” John 21:15

Peter, the most impulsive and outspoken of all Jesus’ disciples, gave into fear the night of Jesus’ crucifixion. He denied knowing his friend to avoid persecution.

It was from a fishing boat that Peter first saw Jesus. In a moment of reckless abandonment he jumped out of a boat and walked on water. He was privilege to many miracles and wonders and was one of Jesus’ best friends and valiant defenders. Still……… he had a moment of weakness and failed in a big way!

This post resurrection encounter between Jesus and Peter was much like the first time they met. Peter threw caution to the wind and went running to the LORD, who incidentally, had breakfast ready and waiting. They ate and then Jesus asked, “Do you love Me?” He knows the answer, but Peter needs to say it, see the radiance of love and forgiveness on the LORD’s face and hear His call once again.

Peter’s failure didn’t define him. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, he changed the face of the world. Don’t let your failures define you. Live in the unlimited power of grace and feed those sheep!!



Wednesday, July 28, 2017

I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you. Genesis 12:3

The nation of Israel begins at God’s encounter with Abraham. A descendant of Shem, one of Noah’s three sons Abraham, was a native of Ur, and an Amorite. The Hebrew sect was perhaps a subculture of lower socioeconomic status within the Amorites. Through this relationship of obedience and trust, God began to fulfill His plan to bless ALL people.

Abraham’s story is not a perfect one. It involves many things we denounce. Human meets real world challenges, and fails. Yet, forgiveness and redemption were and are ALWAYS available.

This is not just the story of a nation’s birth, it is the story of Good News. God loves you because He chose to. He is faithful and will never UNchose to love.

Have a Beautiful Blessed Day,


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on the them. II Peter 2:21

What does God despise? The false prophet, the arrogant, depraved human who disguises themselves as loving and helpful only to destroy what God has given.

Peter the apostle is forewarning his listeners that false teachers have already disrupted other Christian groups. Be ready. These people are anti-authority and respect no one. They leave paths of pain and dysfunction. Greed and blasphemy are two strong characteristics of those who walk in darkness but speak of their light. Their gain comes at great cost to others, yet they feel nothing. Their assured future is worse than anything we can imagine. Justice will come for them.

The active work of God leaves healing, comfort, wisdom and strength. He does not tease us with hope and then hide His face, but we must seek Him. Then He will lead us in well lit paths of righteousness.

