Tuesday November 22, 2016

Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6:7

This verse is part of the Jewish Shema, a daily recitation of worship still practiced today. (I strongly encourage you to read all of Deuteronomy 6) ‘Them’ refers to God’s commandments.

Jewish faith is steeped in deep tradition. The Story of God began long before there was written language. The only way to keep God alive and living through the generations was to actively model and speak faith daily.

The young people in our lives are learning by watching. In the blink of an eye they will be building homes and families of their own. Now is the time to imprint upon them the things we know will carry them through trials and temptations and bring them to the Throne of The One True God.

As this 2016 Holiday season begins, take a moment and pray for your family and your place in the spiritual growth and renewal that will come to your home.

All my love,


November 21, 2016

After this, the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision; “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.” Genesis 15:1

Abram was a righteous man, a prosperous man, a man of great faith. The LORD made a covenant with him, to make his descendants a great nation from which would come Israel’s greatest king, and the Messiah. God made this amazing unbreakable promise to an old, childless man who’s wife was beyond child bearing years. Abram needed reassurance often.

Abram’s nephew Lot got caught in the crossfire of feuding kings in the Valley of the Salt Sea. He and his entire estate were taken as spoils of war. Abram gathered a militia from his own household and faced down trained armies to successfully rescue his family member. Success didn’t counteract doubt. Abram’s faith needed affirmation.

God is faithful and good. He will keep His covenants. He will do what He said He would do, and still in weakness we cry out. God always answers.

Whether it is in praise, joyous wonder or total desolation, God wants to be the One we run to and reach for. If there is any example from Abram we might follow, it should be this.



Sunday Stories, November 20,016

Powering Through “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year”

Sometimes my brain thinks so hard, “I hate Christmas,” it comes right out of my mouth. If anyone hears, they grimace and say, “Oh no, surely you don’t hate Christmas! Everyone loves Christmas!” They get one out of two, I do not hate Christmas, but neither does everyone love Christmas. The reality is, I struggle with the ‘Xmas’ season. This has nothing to do with the birth of my Savior Jesus Christ and everything to do with the darkness behind the tinsel.

As soon as the red, white and blue goes on clearance mid summer, the world of retail begins its annual lure with every imaginable possibility for Decking the Halls. It’s beautiful, inspiring and my creative engine begins to rev. However, sometime between that summer trip to Hobby Lobby and December 25th hope and joy have a head-on collision with despair and defeat. Fortunately, hope and joy have lost their momentum so the wreck is low impact with only minor damage. So I say to myself, “If I can just make it through the holidays I’ll be okay.”

I know exactly why my joy collides with despair. I begin to see only the failures of the world, shopaholics spending more, alcoholics drinking more, the entitled expecting more, abusers abusing more………..why would anyone participate in a season such as this?! Call it off!

Hundreds of years before God’s Son left His throne in Heaven to dwell among men, God delivered His divine plan of redemption to the prophet Isaiah. God gives His Son a name, a lengthy descriptive name: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:7 says, “Of the increase of His government and peace, there will be no end.”

This is hope and expectation. Somewhere in the universe there is peace because it is the essence of who God is. The gift He gave us in an event we now call Christmas, is Peace, accessible through Jesus. Where in the universe is this Peace now? Only in our hearts and flowing through our countenance and action. When God reigns in the hearts of men, His government will have no end.

I know the world’s problems are not mine to shoulder, but they do pile up in the ditches along life’s highway and I cannot ignore it. Because I can’t fix it all I struggle to focus and hear God’s call to do what I’m called. But these things I have learned:
1.  Don’t let tradition stop you from being relevant.
2.  The only gift that matters is HOPE.
3.  Do what God asked you to do and leave it at that.
4.  Be Kind!!!! Christmas gifts are soon forgotten, Christmas actions rarely are.

Will I ever say Christmas is my “Most Wonderful Time of Year?” Probably not. But there is a promise, a hope, a prophesy fulfilled by an All Powerful, All Knowing and All Loving God. That gives a whole new meaning to “Powering Through!”



Saturday, November 19, 2016

Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. Ephesians 6:5

The book of Ephesians is focussed on the character of Christ’s church. Paul, the author, was a missionary to gentiles but he entertained no division or prejudice in the body of Christ. As Christians, we are all on equal terms and God does not play favorites.

Our attitude toward those who have authority over us is not a reflection of their character, but rather ours and our behavior and attitude is a perfect reflection of our relationship with Jesus. Our actions are our testimony.

Have a great weekend,


Friday, November 18, 2016

All a man’s ways seem innocent to him, but motives are weighed by the LORD. Proverbs 16:2

Tweaking facts or spinning truth to manipulate outcomes has become an art form. There are those that believe it is a valid and appropriate part of social structure. The problem is that in doing these things, we put ourselves smack at the center of the universe. Our needs and purposes supersede everyone else’s.

The one truth that will never change: God knows! He knows whether you acted in purity of thought and action or whether you meant to change an outcome in your favor regardless of truth.

God and only God has complete access to your mind and heart. You have no secrets. He knows, so open your heart and let it fill you with His Spirit. Sweep the cobwebs out of the dark corners and let the Son shine in.

Have a great Friday,


Thursday, November 17, 2016

They surround me on every side, but in the name of the LORD I cut them down. Psalm 118:11

The Psalms are poems: Songs of praise, Laments, Prayers and Petitions written by and for various people in acknowledgement of the One True God. This particular psalm is a thanksgiving, a testimony to the power of God’s protecting and sustaining presence.

To the Psalmist it is understood that the only true king is God mediated through David and continuing in his dynasty. Psalm 118 is a ceremonial hymn celebrating the king’s victory with the help of the LORD. It wasn’t sung once and then put away to gather dust for 1000’s of years until we picked it up today. It was used regularly to acknowledge that strength and preservation come from God alone.

It is important to daily acknowledge who is God. It’s an act of worship and it keeps life in perfect perspective. A residual outcome of worship is peace…… He is God, and I am not. I can rest, because He won’t.

Have a lovely day,


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life. John 4:14

Due to hundreds of years of racial prejudice, Jews did not travel through Samaria, but the Son of God does not let man’s social barriers determine His itinerary. On this day Jesus took the shorter route on His way from Jerusalem to Galilee. Tired and thirsty He sat down at Jacob’s well. Along came a woman with a spiritual need, a moral problem. Jesus broke with traditional cultural and gender bias by asking the woman for a drink.

What sort of Jewish man would ask a Samaritan woman, the lowest of all human form, for water? A man who came to offer something besides heartache, sorrow, prejudice, isolation, abuse…..

This woman was in a downward spiral created by the choices she made according to her pleasure and need for instant and repeated gratification. Jesus offered her a life forgiven, renewed, eternal. She accepted His gift and brought as many people as would listen back to the Well of Living Water.

It’s still springing up for you too.

Just a sinner saved by Grace,


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. John 13:34

Read all of chapter 13. It is my opinion it retells one of the most beautiful moments in time.

Jesus is speaking these words to His disciples. He has quietly reflected on how much He loves them, shared His last earthly meal with them and shown them His servant’s heart by washing their feet.

What separates the believer, the Christian, from all else on earth? Love. Love is the defining attribute. You can keep all of the commandments and ancient Jewish laws, but if you do not love your fellow man…………


Monday Nov. 14, 2016

We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. 2 Peter 1:19

The prophetic passages in the Bible are messages of hope divinely given to people separated from God as a result of sin. Let me say again, “Prophecy is hope!” It’s the light at the end of the tunnel we all seek and follow.

Peter was an eye-witness to Jesus ministry. He listened intently to the lessons and parables used by His dear friend as He prepared them for His imminent and necessary unjust death. The moment of reality was dark, devastating, earth shattering! The disciples were frighten so they dispersed and hid. They were on the brink of giving up completely. Nothing made since according to all they’d been taught and assumed. Then came Sunday morning, hope rose from the grave, ancient prophecy came into focus correctly and the future was crystal clear. Peter is giving testimony to the promise of God’s faithfulness past, present and future.

God is not sending us into an unknown future. He’s leading us through a life we cannot comprehend. Prophesy grants us the clarity of God’s all knowing, all powerful constancy to stay the course He began and that is Hope!



Sunday Stories, November 13, 2016

Home to My Father

This is a story shared with me by my husband. Together we have written it as a testimony to our Christian homes and our journey toward the Throne of God.

The open road is a place of peace. Since early childhood Keith has had a passionate love for all things motorized and the adventures they allow. The wind in his hair and miles before him bring balance and a cleared mind. He knows why the bear went over the mountain. He is that bear and it isn’t just one mountain, it’s all of them. The wandering has never been aimless, for every journey brought him home to his father’s house.

Keith was raised on a rural farm. Keys were left in vehicles, night lights were a waste of power, they ate what they grew, stored for the winter, shared with their neighbors and practiced hospitality to people far and near.

Learning how to repair or build motors was a required lifeskill for a farm boy. Keith found these labors intriguing and challenging. Their backyard garage was alway full of family and friends, metal cabinets full of essential tools, a bottomless quart of oil and a gas can that never stopped pouring. Deep camaraderie grew. Local and world affairs were debated, the great mystery of girls was pondered and a lifetime of adventure was mapped out. At the end of each day there was food for anyone weary and hungry. The thought that this existence was rich with generosity never came up, it was just the way they lived.

In his early twenties, Keith moved to Branson to work and prepare a place for our future. He was returning home for a visit one weekend and passed a couple of hitchhikers from the north headed to Louisiana and the promise of work. It was late fall and the weather was cool. Without considering the danger in picking up strangers he pulled over, invited them in and continued South toward his mom and dad’s. The pair shared their story of hardship, yet hope was just a few days away if they could find the resources to press on. The miles brought Keith to the turn off toward home, but that was out in the middle of nowhere, so he continued on to the next town, then said, “Good-bye and good luck,” and gifted them the contents of his wallet.

Why did Keith do this senseless act of kindness? Because he was headed to his father’s house. He was headed toward warmth, food, companionship, security. He had confidence in the riches and love of home.

“Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not a life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.” Matthew 6: 25-26

No matter where life’s adventure takes you, there will always be a home at the end of the journey and a Father on the porch waiting to sit down, eat, fellowship and share His riches so live generously…… be kind…….. it matters.

Waving from the by-ways,

Keith and Gretchen