Thursday October 13, 2016

But God raised Him from the dead, freeing Him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on Him. Acts 2:24

There are three important milestones in my spiritual development that changed me profoundly. 1. The moment I confessed my sins and received mercy and grace.
2. The moment I asked the Holy Spirit to fill me with His presence. He did.
3. The moment I came into awareness and reality of the power in Acts 2:24.

Read verse 23 also. We only die one death and when we do, nothing mortal has any hold on us. Disease cannot cripple us, sin cannot tempt us and sorrow cannot shadow our pathway. Jesus could have said, “NO! I will NOT do this for an ungrateful, oblivious humanity!” But He did. He died. Believe it or not, Satan would have preferred He live because death took away Satan’s power. BUT WAIT! THERE’S MORE! Jesus did not stay in the grave, neither will we and there is nothing, no power, no means ever, that will change this truth. Game over! WE WIN!

Be Bold!


Wednesday October 12, 2016

I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. Deuteronomy 5:6

I AM…….the all knowing, all powerful, all loving LORD your God who rescues those who call out and follow.

No child EVER has been satisfied with the answer, “Because I’m the grownup, that’s why.” But every adult I know has used this as their ‘go to’ phrase in a quick pinch. God having every justifiable right to say, “Because I’m God, that’s why!” has chosen to indulge.

“I brought you out of slavery, I have protected you, fed you, provided all your needs and I’m not going to stop, that’s why!”

Yes we must obey because He is God, but He reminds us that love is His singular agenda, our response can only be trusting love in action.

Have a great Wednesday!


Tuesday October 11, 2016

Go now to your people in exile and speak to them. Say to them, “This is what the sovereign LORD says, whether they listen or fail to listen.” Ezekiel 3:11

Ezekiel is among 10,000 Israelites exiled in Babylon. He was training for the priesthood when he found himself miles away from Jerusalem, the place tradition and family heritage reasoned he would serve for his lifetime. This is reason enough to give up on the life God called you to isn’t it?

God tells Ezekiel to go and tell His people to turn from their wicked ways although it is very likely they won’t listen or accept God’s word, but in verse 8 and 9 God promised to make Ezekiel strong and obstinate in the same manner of those he is being sent to preach to.

It is frustrating when people will not listen to God’s word. I listened!!! It changed my life for the better and I just don’t get why others rebel and turn a deaf ear!!! But two things are always happening in the world of free will. People get to choose, and their choice does not, nor will it ever change the Truth. God is truth and He is never changing. Our reception or lack thereof does NOT determine the validity or power of God’s call or plan. Listen to His voice and his call.



Monday October 10, 2016

Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the Kingdom. Luke 12:32

These are the words of Jesus talking directly to His twelve disciples. This scripture is preceded by the parable of the rich fool and warnings in regards to earthly ambition and leisure. Jesus uses the endearment, “Little flock,” to remind these servants that ravens do not sow or reap, nor do they have store houses, yet they do not go hungry or homeless (vs. 24).

Sometimes the minister needs a minister. Jesus and His friends have been busy healing, teaching, fielding criticism from local authority. He speaks comfort and assurance in the security of God’s love and pleasure. A loving Son relays the heart of His loving Father, “He is pleased to give you the Kingdom.”

These words are specific to a certain group of men, but apply to all who seek to follow and serve the Lord. Our riches are in Heaven but in the meantime, God will take wondrous care of you.

It is my adamant testimony that this is true.



Sunday Stories October 9, 2016

God is good all the time.  I know this because He has filled my world with some incredibly amazing people!  One of these is my beloved friend and fellow blogger Sharon Hilman. Today she shares a moment from her kitchen.  I’ve spent time there and it is a wonderful place.  Also, check out her blog at Have a great day! Gretchen

Kitchen Conversations

We are a homeschool family whose twins are seniors this year. As a homeschool family, the kids and I spend a lot of time at home together. Much of that time is spent in our kitchen. Our center island is large enough to seat our family of four and we eat all of our meals there. Well, except for those rare times when we eat in the fancy eating room! There is the standard breakfast area, but there is no table in that area. Instead, we have a comfy couch and a coffee table. That couch is well used. As with most families, our kitchen is the hub of the house, but with the addition of that couch, our kitchen became the center of our family conversations. Laughter, tears, decisions, deep conversations, silly conversations, all have taken place in that kitchen on that couch.

While our kids have been filling out college applications and settling on a college, I have been very nostalgic and a little emotional. As our pastor would say, I have been having “all the feels” during this time. Fear that I have not prepared them. Regret that I did not teach that thing I should have taught them. Sadness, knowing they will be on their own soon. Excitement, looking forward to what God has in store for them. Joy, as I see the fine young adults they seem to be blossoming into. Sometimes I am exhausted by all the feelings that are constantly churning in my mind and tugging at my heart. And just when I am feeling overwhelmed, we end up standing around the kitchen counter or sitting on that comfy couch having a random, out of the blue kitchen conversation. Then all is right with my world

When they go out on their own, I think that is what I will miss the most. Those spontaneous conversations in our kitchen. In fact, I can hardly see what I am typing for the tears stinging my eyes!

As I often do when something is tugging on my heartstrings, I go to google and search for a bible verse that covers what is on my mind. As I read through the results, Proverbs 6:20-22 stuck with me, so I looked them up in context. And while these verses lead up to warnings against adultery, out of that context, they can be generalized:


20  My son, keep your father’s commands

And do not forsake your mother’s teaching.

21  Bind them upon your heart forever;

Fasten them around your neck.

22  When you walk, they will guide you;

When you sleep, they will watch over you;

When you awake, they will speak to you.


So, as our kids begin the process of leaving our kitchen, all I can do is pray. I pray that our teachings will always be there to guide them when they need guidance. That our prayers will always be watching over them as they sleep. And that when they are awake, the things we have taught them will always be in the back of their minds, speaking to them. All because of those conversations we had in our kitchen.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, whom we acknowledge as our apostle and high priest. Hebrews 3:1

Hebrews was written to a group of Christian Jews that were wavering between Christianity and Judaism. They were taught from their earliest memories to revere Moses, the one who grew them into a great nation, brought them God’s law and established worship practices still observed today. Also in those teachings there grew the expectation of an earthly conquering hero that would annihilate all foes.

It is incredibly hard to accept new evidence that negates long held beliefs and traditions. This was the greatest struggle facing early Christians that already recognized God as the One True God. A poor ordinary baby that became a sacrifice, naked and alone on a cruel cross was quite a shift in theological thought.

We must fix our eyes on the Son of God, who became the Son of Man, who became the Lamb of God. He has already fought our enemy and won.

Have a great weekend,


Friday October 7, 2016

Give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may lead this people, for who is able to govern this great people of yours? 2 Chronicles 1:10

God has appeared to Solomon and told him to ask for anything. (vs. 7) Recognizing that he was to lead the greatest nation on earth, Solomon might have asked for power or wealth. Instead, you find his request in the scripture above. God is faithful and Solomon was given wisdom according to the unlimited riches of Heaven.

Wisdom is many things, discernment, prudence, good old fashion gumption, circumspection. It greatly increases quality of life, both by allowing us make peace with the past and enabling us to move boldly into the future. All the things Solomon might have desired such as monetary superiority or physical might came about through wisdom.

God alone is the creator and provider of pure and perfect wisdom. His faithful provision is not limited to Solomon, but freely given to all those who ask.



Wednesday October 5, 2016

Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness. James 3:18

Titles tell what service or product a person offers the world. For instance, I am a teacher. That means I lead someone from a state of unknowing to knowing (hopefully). A baker, (my personal favorite) creates something palatable and nourishing. The list goes on but you get the gist.

James conveys that a peacemaker is a producer in the same manner that a farmer, truck driver, lawyer, doctor… As with any other service, the peacemaker begins with a resource/ability and ends with something of value. That beginning is the Wisdom of Heaven, free for the asking, resulting in right behavior, aka righteousness.

‘Peacemaker’ is a most honorable job title. Sowing peace is a worthy investment. The product is “On earth as it is in Heaven.”


Tuesday October 4, 2016

Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it. Luke 18:17

If you read Painted Rocks from Sunday October 2, you know my little flock of Kinderbirds came together to see a friend through his grief. Today our friend returned to the classroom and as far as I could tell we settled into a good new normal. While I was expounding on the attributes of an upper case ‘M’ he burst out, “Mrs. Rooney, I hear my dad’s voice all the time.” I just calmly said, “Okay.” He continued, “I hear him right now.” Me, “How does that make you feel?” His soft little voice replied, “It makes me want to be where he is.”

I knew I stood in a moment of profound truth. My precious little student didn’t ask that his father be returned to his side. His desire was to go into his father’s presence.

The silence was quickly broken by the lilt of a bright voice proclaiming, “It’s Heaven, he’s in Heaven!” and a quieter voice than before said, “I know.”

There was no great debate of theology, no offense that something so personal or religious came up in a public school classroom, in fact, I had very little to do with what happened in a matter of seconds. But I know that the hearts of the children understand clearly what I so often battle: Complete and simple faith.

